Saturday 27th July 2024: The course is fully open. Please see latest news for further information

Respect in Golf

England Golf Respect in Golf


Calderfields Golf and Country Club are pleased to announce that they are fully committed to supporting England Golf ‘Respect in Golf’ – an undertaking to inspire, promote and create greater understanding and embracement of equality, diversity and inclusion within the sport.

This means that we are devoted to driving the message that there is no place for discrimination in golf.

The Respect in Golf movement has four key core pillars, each highlighting aspects of diversity and inclusivity The campaign’s pillars are:

                  • LEAD by example: Respect in all we do
                  • ENERGISE & SUPPORT with better understanding: Establish a shared language for change
                  • DELIVER a safe environment: SafeGolf accreditation
                  • INSPIRE the most welcoming environment: Everyone must have an equal opportunity to participate in golf at any level.

Therefore, It does not matter:

                                • Who you are.
                                • Where you come from.
                                • Your age.
                                • If you have not played before.
                                • If your family play.
                                • if your friends Play.
                                • Where you are.
                                • What you do.

This is because “Times have Changed” and Golf is a game that everyone can enjoy

Respect in Golf embodies that belief.


For further details please visit the England Golf website at

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