Monday 16th September 2024: The course is fully open. Please see latest news for further information

Senior Section

New Booking In procedure for Competitions (A trial)







We will be trialing a new “Booking in”  procedure for the April Monthly Medal to be played on the 1st & 2nd of April 2023

Please use the BRS app or the club computer to register to play in this competition.

All you have to do is:

Click on to Future Competitions,

Tap future Competitions, bookings and start sheets.

Tap the competition and day you want to play – this will open a new page with several time slots choose the time slot you would like to play in, this will then register you for that competition and day.

Once the closing date has passed, a draw will take place and Tee times published.

Your cooperation in this trial will be much appreciated.

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