Sunday 09th February 2025: The course is Fully Open, for further information check out the news section.

Course Information for Sunday 09th February 2025

Course Status for Sunday 09th February 2025


The Course is fully open.

Carry if you can and if you are using a Trolley please keep them pathways. Please keep them off the tee boxes and the roped off areas

Buggies (club-owned) are currently programmed to keep to the pathways, due to the current ground conditions.

Buggies (privately owned single-seater motorised scooters) are required to stick to the pathways due to the current ground conditions, please observe this request!

The clubhouse and surround area have had some essential maintenance work carried out, therefore, the path adjacent to the 18th green / clubhouse will be out of bounds.

Please ensure you abide by all signage and health and safety requests at all times.

A number of tee boxes have winter mats, if the tee markers are by these mats you must use them. Please do not ignore them.

The course set up is Acceptable from the Men’s Red Tees Only

Sunrise today will be at: 07:35

Sun sets today at: 17:09

Duration of daylight for today: 09 Hours 33 minutes

The weather for today in six words (Max): Cold, Cloudy with scattered showers.

The last suggested tee time for a four-ball to complete their round in daylight is: 12:52.

Preferred Lies is now across the whole course.

All Golfers must use the Golfer’s Tunnel Entrance and Exit.

Please remember to book in at our shop, prior to going to the first tee or the fishing lake.

Please take care of the course, therefore rake any bunkers if you have visited one, replace any divots and repair your pitch marks.

Please take extra care on the course due to the current weather related conditions.

The average time for a Four (4) Ball to play a round of golf at peak times is Four Hours and Fifteen Minutes.

Hope you enjoy your round of golf!

This information was updated on 09th February 2025 at 07:05


















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